badminton court dimensions

Badminton Court Dimensions in Feet: Everything You Need to Know in [2024]

Are you ready to elevate your badminton game to new heights? One important factor that can significantly affect your performance is understanding the dimensions of a badminton court. Whether you’re a beginner eager to step onto the court for the first time or a seasoned player looking to refine your skills, this blog post is your ultimate guide to unlocking the secrets hidden within the boundaries of a badminton court.

Standard Badminton Court Size

A standard badminton court is rectangular in shape and has specific dimensions. The court is divided into two halves by a net. The dimensions of a standard badminton court are 44 feet in length and 20 feet in width. These measurements are applicable for both singles and doubles matches.

The court is further divided into different zones and marked with specific lines. The center line divides the court into two halves, while the short service lines are 6 feet 6 inches from the net on both sides. The net is placed at a height of 5 feet in the center and gradually decreases to 5 feet at the ends.

Court Dimensions and Markings

When you step onto a badminton court, it’s like entering a realm of precision and strategy. It’s crucial to understand the layout and markings of a standard badminton court.

A typical badminton court is rectangular, with clearly defined boundaries and specific markings that serve as guides for gameplay. 

First, we have the court lines. Picture them as the invisible borders that shape the battlefield. The outermost lines mark the boundaries of the court, determining where the shuttlecock can land during play. They ensure the game stays within the designated area, preventing sneaky shots from straying off course.

Moving inward, we encounter the singles and doubles sidelines. In singles play, the sidelines run parallel to the length of the court, extending the boundaries by 2.5 feet on each side. These sidelines define where the shuttlecock must land to be considered in play.

For doubles play, things get wider. The doubles sidelines are 2.5 feet from the outermost lines on both sides, adding an extra 5 feet width to the court. This expanded area allows for more strategic movement.

Additional Marking

Within the court, you’ll notice additional markings that dictate specific zones. The first one to mention is the service box on both sides of the net. These boxes determine where the server must stand while serving the shuttlecock. The service box extends from the back boundary line to the short service line for singles play. The box stretches from the back boundary line to the long service line in doubles. These lines help maintain a fair and consistent serving position for each player.

Now that we’ve covered the court dimensions and markings, you might find it helpful to visualize them. If you’re a visual learner like me, check out online resources or tutorials that offer diagrams or images of a standard badminton court. Seeing it visually can clarify these descriptions and make it easier to imagine yourself playing on the court. Now play badminton on the tennis court.

As you become familiar with these markings, you’ll see the court as a chessboard of strategic opportunities. Each line and boundary serves a purpose, providing a framework for thrilling rallies and skillful shots. So, next time you step onto the court, take a moment to appreciate the precision of creating a badminton-playing arena.

Indoor Badminton Court Dimensions

indoor badminton court dimensions

Length and Width

Indoor badminton courts adhere to standardized dimensions to ensure consistency across venues and competitions.

The length of an indoor court measures 13.4 meters (44 feet), while the width spans 6.1 meters (20 feet).

Indoor badminton courts feature specific lines that demarcate different court areas to define the boundaries and facilitate fair play.

Outer Boundary Lines: The outermost lines mark the court’s limits and determine if a shuttlecock is in or out of play. These lines form the perimeter of the rectangular court.

Singles Sidelines: For singles matches, an additional line runs parallel to the longer sides of the court, 0.76 meters (2.5 feet) away from each sideline. These lines create a narrower area for singles play.

Doubles Sidelines: Doubles matches utilize the full width of the court without the singles sidelines, allowing for wider coverage and strategic teamwork.

Center Line: The center line divides the court into two halves, creating separate sections for each player or team. It also plays a significant role in serving and positioning strategies.

Service Court Dimensions

Within the overall court dimensions, the service courts hold particular importance. These areas are crucial for serving and receiving, adding layer of challenge and strategy to the game. The service courts are divided by the following lines:

Short Service Line: Positioned horizontally, this line divides each service court into two sections. It is located 1.98 meters (6.5 feet) from the net.

Service Center Line: Perpendicular to the net, the service center line intersects the short service line, creating two halves within the service courts.

Service Boxes: The service boxes are the sections within each service court in which players must aim to serve the shuttlecock during the game. They are restricted by lines that connect the short service line and the singles or doubles sideline.

Outdoor Badminton Court Dimensions

Outdoor badminton courts provide a different ambiance, often with more expansive surroundings and natural lighting. While the dimensions may not be as standardized as indoor courts, it is important to maintain a proportional playing area.

Adjusting for Outdoor Settings

Players and organizers can adapt the court dimensions to their specific environment when setting up an outdoor badminton court. However, it is advisable to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a fair and enjoyable game:

Length and Width: Aim for a rectangular playing area with proportions similar to indoor courts. While the exact measurements can vary, a length of 13.4 meters (44 feet) and a width of 6.1 meters (20 feet) is a good starting point.

Boundary Markings: Utilize ropes, tapes, or chalk to create visible boundary lines that mimic the outlines of an indoor court. This helps maintain a clear understanding of the court’s limits during gameplay.

Net Height: Ensure the net is set at a height of 1.55 meters (5 feet 1 inch) at the center, just like in indoor badminton. This consistency in net height allows players to maintain familiar gameplay and adapt their techniques accordingly.

Surface Considerations

Unlike indoor courts, which typically have specialized synthetic surfaces, outdoor badminton courts can be played on various surfaces. The choice of surface can affect gameplay and the overall experience. Here are a few common options:

Grass: Playing on a grass surface gives an authentic outdoor feel and can be enjoyable for recreational games. However, ensuring the grass is well-maintained and provides a consistent playing surface is important.

Concrete or Asphalt: These hard surfaces offer durability and stability, making them suitable for outdoor badminton. However, they may provide less cushioning and be harsh on players’ joints, so proper footwear and preventive measures are essential. Read detailed article on badminton court flooring to find the best option

Rubber or Composite Flooring: Some outdoor badminton courts utilize rubber or composite flooring, similar to what is used in indoor facilities. These surfaces offer better shock absorption and traction, enhancing player safety and comfort.

Badminton Court Dimensions for Singles and Doubles:

When it comes to badminton, there’s a slight twist depending on whether you’re playing singles or doubles. Let’s unravel the differences and discover the ideal court dimensions for each game.

In singles play, it’s all about the one-on-one showdown. The court size is 44 feet long and 17 feet wide. Imagine the space as your arena, where you can showcase your agility and lightning-fast reflexes. With these dimensions, you’ll have the right room to maneuver and strategically outplay your opponent.

Let’s switch to doubles play, where teamwork and coordination take center stage. The court dimensions expand to 44 feet long and 20 feet wide. The additional width gives you and your partner the freedom to cover more ground and execute those incredible cross-court shots. With a slightly larger playing area, the game becomes an exhilarating dance of synchronized movements and tactical plays.

Why are these dimensions so important? They ensure fair play and maintain a level playing field for everyone involved. Plus, they play a significant role in ensuring player safety. By adhering to the recommended court dimensions, you’ll have a game that’s not only fair but also free from unnecessary collisions and injuries. Find a Badminton court vs a tennis court.

So, remember to respect the court’s dimensions, whether you’re planning a singles showdown or a doubles battle. It’s the key to an exciting, competitive, safe badminton experience.

badminton court size

Net Height and Other Considerations

In the game of badminton, the net height holds significant importance. It’s not just a piece of fabric suspended between two poles; it also defines the nature of the game. 

The net height is vital in maintaining fairness and challenge during gameplay. For both singles and doubles matches, the official net height is set at 5 feet, 1 inch (or 1.55 meters) at the center. Why is this measurement so crucial? It strikes the perfect balance between allowing a challenging clearance for high shots and preventing excessively steep angles which make the game too difficult.

Aside from net height, there are other factors to consider for an optimal badminton experience. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

  • Court Flooring: The type of flooring you use can significantly impact your performance. Ideally, choose a surface that offers good traction and cushioning to minimize the risk of slips or injuries. Wooden or synthetic flooring designed explicitly for badminton is commonly used in indoor facilities, while outdoor courts may have different types of surfaces like asphalt or concrete.
  • Lighting: Adequate lighting is essential for clear visibility during play. The court must be well-lit indoors and outdoors to avoid misjudgment of shots. Good lighting enhances your reaction time and helps you fully immerse yourself in the game.
  • Ventilation: Indoor facilities should have proper ventilation to maintain a comfortable playing environment. Adequate airflow helps regulate temperature and prevents excessive moisture buildup, keeping you fresh and focused during intense matches.
  • Surroundings: Take a moment to consider the surroundings of the court. Are there any distracting elements, such as noisy traffic or obstructed views? A serene and peaceful setting can create a more immersive and enjoyable badminton experience.


The standard size of a badminton court, measuring 13.4 meters in length and 6.1 meters in width. Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or a seasoned player aiming for precision shots, knowing the court dimensions provides a solid foundation for the game.

Whether you’re playing singles or doubles, on a traditional court or a makeshift one, understanding the dimensions and adhering to the court markings will enhance your gameplay. Keep practicing, refining your skills, and always aim for that perfect shot!

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The standard size of a badminton court in meters is 13.4 meters in length and 6.1 meters in width.

Sure, you can adjust the court size to accommodate smaller playing areas. However, remember that altering the dimensions might affect the game’s dynamics, making it harder to execute certain shots. Sticking to the standard badminton court size whenever possible is always best.

If the shuttlecock lands on the boundary line, it is considered in. The boundary lines are part of the court, so any shot on or within the lines is considered a good shot, and the rally continues. However, if the shuttlecock lands outside the boundary lines, it is deemed out, and the opposing side scores a point.

While there are no specific height requirements for the ceiling in recreational settings, it is recommended to have a minimum clearance of 9 meters to allow for adequate shuttlecock trajectory. A higher ceiling ensures players have enough space to execute powerful shots without hindrance.

Certainly! Badminton can be played on various surfaces, including grass, concrete, or a makeshift backyard court. However, remember the surface you play on can affect the game’s dynamics. Playing on a standard badminton court surface is advisable for optimal gameplay, typically wood or synthetic material.

The dimensions of junior courts may vary based on age groups and governing bodies. The court size for junior players is typically smaller, allowing them to cover the court comfortably. The dimensions can vary, but a standard size for younger players is 36 feet in length and 17 feet in width. It’s essential to adjust the court size according to the age and physical abilities of the children to provide a positive learning experience.

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